There are many reasons to reduce, reuse and recycle. Everything we use at home generates a lot of waste and it could be reduced by reuse! We should make our planet cleaner. Moreover, waste leads to climate change. We totally should reuse plastic and you will find a collection of ideas about how to transform trash into treasure.
Here are awesome recycling hacks we prepared:
-easy and cute sweets dispenser for the party that your child will totally love
-organize your yarn easily – cut the bottom of the plastic bottle off, Insert the yarn, Pull the knitting end of the yarn through the bottle top.
-what to do with empty Pringles can? It seems rather wasteful to just throw them away. You can turn them into something really useful and it won’t take much effort!
-if you forgot your key again, use your plastic card to open it. Watch our video and learn how to create phone holder from plastic card.
If you don’t know what to do with an expired credit card? Instead of cutting it or throwing away watch our video how to reuse it! Check out practical things you can do with your expired plastic cards:
-if you forgot your key again, use your plastic card to open it
-keep your fingers safe while cooking by making the guard. Follow our instructions!
-watch our video and learn how to create phone holder from plastic card.
-cost-effective solution for guitar players. Cut up your expired card to make some guitar picks
-are you sick of the mess of cables under your desk? Use a plastic card to organize wires. Watch our video for the full tutorial!

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