Check out a collection of cooking ideas that will ease your life! Everybody will love our easy and quick recipes because now you don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen.
Stop spending a lot of money on expensive kitchen tools because you can make them at home!
Reuse plastic bottles to make super helpful kitchen tools! Cut a bottle to make cookie cutter, cookie dough dispenser, and even kebab machine!
Kebab machine is an awesome idea to make! This project is inexpensive and won’t take much effort. But the result is great to share with your friends! You will need a coke bottle, a can, and an elbow-shaped piece of PVC pipe and skewers to make perfect kebabs. Cut off the top of the plastic bottle. Make a hole in the center of the pipe and connect the pipe to the bottle. Kebab machine is ready! Now try your incredible kebab machine!
Homemade Pasta is not only a fun process but also nothing compares to the taste of homemade pasta. Moreover, it’s not difficult at all and you don’t need to be a chef to amaze your friends with homemade pasta. Check out how to make different kinds of pasta from scratch: make farfalle, conchiglie, and ravioli. Don’t forget to add food coloring!
Cook omelet in a freezer bag. Put all the ingredients in a bag, shake and boil for a couple of minutes.
If Nutella came to an end add some milk and shake the jar. Pour it into a glass and now you have a chocolate milkshake!
As a bonus, check out the recipe of mini pies baked in an ice cube tray.

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