Computers and gadgets make our lives much easier as we can use them to order food, find useful information and buy everything. We have a perfect selection of computer lifehacks to make your life much easier. We will show you how to make cool gadgets, phone holders, relaxing hammock and more!
We have a collection of Excel hacks that will speed u your work and make it more comfortable. These hacks are surprisingly useful, don’t forget to show them to your friends!
Wi-fi works really slow and makes you crazy? Learn how to boost wi-fi signal with our help! Don’t throw away your Coke can and watch our video.
Working long hours at a desk may harm your health. If you are experiencing leg pain during the work, make a relaxing hammock for your legs and use it in office. It won’t take much effort. You will need plastic hangers and an old towel. We love to reuse old things and show you our tips!
You can make phone holders using stationary - paper clip, pencils, binder clips, and even plastic cards!
Do you have an old keyboard? Reuse it make fun jewelry, minimalistic clocks, cote message in a picture frame for your boyfriend! You can rip off keyboard buttons and make a cute necklace!
If you spend a lot of time working at a desk, it can harm your wrists. Wrong hand position may cause pains. That’s why you should know the right hand position to prevent joint problems. Make a cushion for your wrists and it will help you to correct the position of your hand.
If you experience back problems when you work in front of your notebook, you should watch our video to understand the reasons. The main reason is that your sitting position is wrong.

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