Car life hacks for drivers
Do you often experience the following problem - low visibility on the road when it is raining? Then you definitely need to make thin DIY antirain solution for your car. Mix some paraffin with white spirit and carefully apply to the car windows using a dry piece of soft clothes. You will be pleasantly surprised with the result!
Here are some golden rules of parking you cannot miss:
- Park in reverse to make it easier to leave;
- Before parking, make sure there is nothing behind your car;
- Be polite and leave some space to allow other cars to get past;
- Position your car in a way that doesn't impede pedestrians;
- Also, don't block other cars;
- Don't park in the second lane, otherwise you will cause a traffic jam;
- If there no specific markers, park your vehicle parallel to neighboring cars;
- When leaving, always give a signal to the other drivers
- Only park in the places where you are allowed to park! Otherwise you won't find your car later on.
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